Time travel to the American Revolution US history

American Revolution unit study

At a formative point in my childhood, almost 12 years old, I went to Colonial Williamsburg for the first time. We had part of a day to go there, and I remember distinctly reveling in the milieu of Virginia right before the American Revolution. It fascinated me, and so I wasn’t too surprised to discover I’ve got a lot of American Revolution history lessons, and thought it might well be useful to put them all together into an American Revolution unit study.

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American Revolution resources

Wow, I had not originally created an American Revolution unit resources section, well short term, I’ll just add in this:

Leading up to the American Revolution unit study

American Revolution unit hands on history

Battles and Ideas of the American Revolution unit study

American Revolution unit study for elementary
Yes, I like this painting from the American Revolution, it’s called Spirit of ’76

Important People in the American Revolution unit study

Miscellaneous American Revolution lessons

Time travel to the American Revolution US history
  • Make a soldier’s haversack– a fun hands-on lesson into the life of a soldier (yes they had to repair their own material and sometimes sew)
  • Interactive history notebook– While this is written to apply generally, the example is the American Revolution.
  • Liberty Bell– It’s interesting how some things become part of the story without really being talked about
  • Yankee Doodle preschool lesson– Recreate your own version of this iconic song
  • American Revolution books- I still need to write up a post about our favorite American Revolution books, but that might have to be several posts because there’s a lot to wade through.

Some more history unit studies for you to try


One response to “American Revolution unit study”

  1. You certainly know how to teach American history! I hope that I will learn more about it eventually when A is ready to learn it in school. By now I am guessing it’s going to be high school, since they did not cover it at all in elementary or middle school.

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