Paddington book and a movie reading 3rd

Paddington Book Club

I loved Paddington as a kid. For whatever reason, he was the talking bear book I gravitated to. For whatever reason I was not a fan of Winnie the Pooh, do you like both or just one of the characters? Paddington books much like Pippi Longstocking and Mary Poppins books follow a pattern, which meant my kids got a choice which book to read when we had our Paddington book and a movie night.

Paddington book and a movie

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Paddington books

Paddington book summary

Michael Bond wrote 11 Paddington books, the best copy I found is this Paddington treasury with six of his stories. They follow a fairly common theme with Paddington getting into trouble and generally being quite cute and mischevious. He’s a big fan of marmalade and loves his bread, which he keeps in his ubiquitous suitcase.

watching Paddington movie

Paddington movie night snacks Or Paddington Book Club snacks

Since our discussion always happens as we or after we watch the movie. This time, however, we watched the Paddington movie with the cousins because the cousins are the perfect age to watch it.

Paddington book club snacks

This is a super sugar-laden movie night, which might have been a bad plan since cousins and all, but let me just say, that was a HUGE hit with the kids. Since the kids all read different books, our snacks come from a wide variety of Paddington Book Club snacks.

  • Umbrella- super popular, we used the always popular pirouette wafers
  • fish and chips- we made a combination of lays potato chips, Swedish fish, and goldfish, the kids quite liked it, this really was the perfect time to bring in fish sticks
  • tents- waffle-shaped pretzels, not super original, but the kids really wanted this snack
  • suitcase- nutty buddy, I love these
  • money- chocolate coins
  • sauna- I believe this is Sprite and Sherbert
  • rocks- chocolate rocks
  • marmalade and toast- you guessed it marmalade and toast (we had homemade bread)
  • snowball- powder donuts
  • presents- these ridiculously sugary cupcake things
  • books- Hershey nuggets with the lorum ipsum print on it
  • Paddington- teddy grahams
picking out Paddington snacks

As you can see Princess and her cousin are having quite a fun time picking out the best snacks. Overall it was a very fun experience.

Paddington Book Club discussion questions

Since we were watching this movie with the cousins, we didn’t really discuss it as much. Let me see what I can find for some fun Paddington book club discussions…


More fun 3rd-grade book and a movie


2 responses to “Paddington Book Club”

  1. We loved the movie, and the books – but we’re also Winnie-the-Pooh fans 🙂

  2. I LOVE Paddington, but Winnie-the-Pooh is a childhood favorite. It was one of a better translated English books that I read in my native language.

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