Apple muffin recipe

I freely admit I’m not much of a baker.  I have friends who are, and I love to convince them to bake for me.  I’m not much of a cook either…..  But that’s a different matter, I cook because I like to eat food, not because it’s my joy, but this apple muffin recipe is one even I can’t destroy.

apple muffin recipe

I made this a few weeks ago, and pretty much as soon as the apple muffins were out of the oven, little hands were attempting to steal them.


Apple Muffin Recipe ingredients

2 eggs

1 1/2 cups sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 cups vegetable oil (I substituted coconut oil this time)

2 teaspoons vanilla

3 cups flour

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

2 1/2 teaspoons cinammon

3 cups chopped apples

Apple muffin recipe directions

apple muffin recipe

1.  Beat the eggs until they are light and fluffy.

2.  Mix in eggs, sugar, brown sugar, vegetable oil, and vanilla.  I might have added extra vanilla.  I tend to do that.  I like vanilla.

leveling flour

3.  Mix flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon together.


4.  After peeling and slicing the apples, chop them into little bitty pieces.  I like this hand chopper a lot.  I use it for recipes like this often.

5.  Add in apples.


6.  Look insanely tired in the picture, but take a second and grease the pans.  Then fill the tins about halfway.  We used mini-muffin tins because they’re the best size for little stomachs.


That being said, those same little stomachs devoured them as soon as I got them out of the oven.  I barely saved one to take a picture of and to eat……..

7.  Bake for 10-20 minutes at 325.  It’s closer to 10 if you’re using a mini-muffin pan, but for a full size muffin, I’d guess closer to 20.


8. Barely wait for it to cool down and eat it as soon as Mom gets it out of the muffin pan.


While being serenaded by a troll.

 apple muffin recipe

I’ve been collecting ideas on pinterest like crazy, have you noticed how heavily skewed pinterest recipes are towards desserts?  And breads, oh my I wish I was better at baking.  I’ve called it my yummy board, I know clever title…….  Of course, apples also make me think of fall, so I’m gonna also pin this to my Fall ideas board.


10 responses to “Apple muffin recipe”

  1. Looks very yummy indeed!

  2. I will have to try this recipe. I make apple pecan muffins from an Ellie Krieger recipe and they are so good!

    I like to cook and bake, but I’m just okay at both, not great!

    Love the troll!!!

    I’m not sure if I am following you on PInterest. I’ll have to check on that. I imagine I am, but I can’t remember seeing any of your PINS. Hmmm, going to check now.

  3. Yes, I am already following you. I knew I had to be. Now I have to check out that yummy board!

  4. Oh yes- don’t forget the troll serenade…very important step…

  5. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles


    Someday I will own one of those Kitchenaid mixers. If I ever own a kitchen with counter space…

  6. Yummy! We really like our apple muffin recipe, too!

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