animal report printable and rubric for elementary

How to write an animal report with free printable



This past week we read about platypus.  They’re fascinating creatures that don’t really fit into any of our categories of animals perfectly.  It’s got a bill like a duck, it’s body is rather like that of a badger, it’s tail looks like a beaver tail, it lays eggs, but it suckles its’ young (I promise this will all relate to how to write an animal report and the printable).  It’s no wonder the first one brought back everyone thought was a fake. They make for a great homeschool science lesson.

When the first European explorers came back from Australia, everyone was sure the stuffed platypus was a put together from several different animals.

Of course we had to investigate these animals more, so we found a couple of youtube videos to watch.



The interesting thing to me, I always assumed because they were from Australia they were marsupials.  They’re not.  I was very surprised to learn this.

After we read they thought it was made up, I KNEW what we had to do.  Make up our own animal.  It’s obvious.

How to write an animal report, the printable

animal report printable and rubric

So, I made this planning sheet for an animal report and the rubric to go with it (either the picture of the words will take you to it).  If you are making up an animal you need information very similar to what you would need for a real animal.  Where does it live, what does it eat, that type of thing.  I divided it up into boxes so my kids could separate out their thoughts.  I don’t know about your kids, but mine need the visual separation sometimes.

Working through how to write an animal report

When you are creating a fictional animal, you need the same information you would need for a real animal report: where do they live, what do they eat, what hunts them, and a few other such answers.  So if you clicked that earlier link, you’ll notice my zoo animal observation rform has many similar ideas to this one.

animal report planning page

We spent our science time on Tuesday planning about their animals.  They created Makls, Bomjangs, and an odd combination between a horse, pegasus, and unicorn.  I’m sure you can guess whose animal that was.

writing process for how to write an animal report

Then we spent the next few days writing drafts, and finally they were graded using the rubric included in the printable.

animal report planning printable

The boys both have a few things to work on.  But, they know exactly what they need to do and why.  They both need to work on their handwriting.  Princess is still finishing hers.  She managed to lose her report somehow and is in the process of recreating hers as I type this.



More science ideas around the web:

Each week I’m spotlighting a few posts that were shared previously.  Many posts get linked up later in the week and they don’t always get as many clicks as they deserve, so I’m trying to spotlight a few every week.


I am drooling over this series by Phyllis over at All Things Beautiful.  I’m thinking I’m going to design a be zoo keeper unit too.

Gift of Curiosity has some fun ideas for extending the learning with penguins.  I wish she’d posted this last year when we were learning about Swimming Creatures.


I thought this was a great use of 3 part cards from Trillium Montessori in her Antarctica overview.


I love the Rube Goldberg machine from Handley Home.  Who doesn’t love an overly complex machine full of lots of things that move all the time?




23 responses to “How to write an animal report with free printable”

  1. Thanks so much for hosting – Alice @ Mums Make Lists

    1. I enjoy it. It challenges me to keep coming up with new ways to teach science to my kids.

  2. You made wonderful animal forms. Thanks so much for your continued hosting!

    1. Thanks! I foresee a lot of uses for this.

  3. It’s so great having one of those flashes of inspiration, isn’t it? (Like making up your own animals.) Well done!

    I didn’t know that about platypuses, either – thanks for educating me, and for hosting!


    1. It really is, and it works doubly well when your inspiration is actually one the kids enjoy.

  4. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    I love the idea of a be a zoo keeper unit!

    1. I know, I’m watching as she posts the whole series, and then I think I’m going to design one of my own, the unit itself is about $80, a bit more than I can really justify.

  5. As usual I have nothing to link!! I do have great plans for after Easter though. Our homeschool science is going to go through a transformation thanks to the encouragement from blogs like yours!!

    1. Thanks! Your history stuff gives me lots of encouragement as well.

  6. Thanks for hosting! We love our science, so I’m glad to find you!

  7. I love Science Sunday – I keep wracking my brain trying to figure out how to participate in a science blog post hop with my blog which is currently starring a 6 month old….lol Love your combination of science and creativity in making up new animals – will absolutely remember that!

  8. Very cool to make a made up animal. I love how creative you are with your writing assignments.

  9. Love your animal forms. I pinned them and love checking out all the science ideas. Thanks!

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