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My word and goals for the year
I’ve been seeing all sorts of homeschooling blogs I read share their “word for the year,” I think it came from a blogging conference someone went to, or who knows, but they’re all big important words.
FOCUS, DILIGENT, GRACE, PEACE, STILLNESS, and the list goes on and on. They create these amazing pictures to go with it.
And none of the words really called out to me, or gave focus to what I want to do this year.

Then I read Stacey’s post about her word: SQUIRREL. And I was INSPIRED (that’s another word I’ve seen).
But, I didn’t want to be a copy-CAT and steal her word. While it was tempting, very very tempting, and she even gave me permission to in a rather hilarious conversation on G+ (I love G+, are you on there? Circle me).
So, I kept thinking, and I thought about these last few months. I’ve felt rather like a CHICKEN with its’ head cut off. I’ve done lots and been busy, but it’s not been calming. There’s been a lot of change, and some of it has had me scared about the future and what is coming.
I figured before I got to MY WORD, I’d let you in on some of my goals for the year:

Parenting goals
- Read some good parenting books, The New Strong-Willed Child
{affiliate link} is my first read. It’s been sitting on my shelf for a while.
- Work on the kids’ chore habits. I want it to become habitual to have their room and the loft clean at the end of the day. Right now it’s more of a the house drives me crazy and we do a whirlwind cleaning spree, and then it gets bad and it starts all over again.
- Instill the habit of daily Bible reading in my kids. They’re just at the point they can start it, and I want to start the habit early.
{I have a long list of school goals, but those are rather personal for the kids, so I’m not going to share them right now}
Spiritual goals
- Memorize 12 verses this year (that’s 1 a month, I should be able to do it, any suggestions for verses?)
- Read ALL of the minor prophets and create a synopsis of them for the Bible study.
- Keep AND update a prayer journal. Right now I have several started and left sitting prayer journals.
- Read Psalms (ugh poetry, double and triple ugh, and more poetry, you need to imagine the dramatic 2 year old being forced to eat something they don’t like to truly understand my feelings on poetry)

Homemaking goals
- Pick 1-2 rooms a month to get completely under control, not just I’ve made it surface clean, but really and truly clean. We got the loft, and the kids room over Christmas. They need a bit of tidying up because of Christmas, and we got a start on the game room.
- Make sure the family room is picked up each night before we go to bed.
- Do the dishes each night before going to bed. Dishes, I wish there was a way to instantly clean them, I’m rather jealous of Mrs. Weasley’s ability to just cast a spell and the house cleans itself.

Blogging goals
I set goals for myself this year in this area. Most are about being more consistent with things, and finding a pattern that works for me. It’s coming along slowly.
So with all of that what is my word for the year? Despite being immensely tempted to pick chicken, because it’s fun to yell and it makes me laugh, I’m not. Instead I’m going to pick GAZELLE.
If you listen to Dave Ramsey he talks about being “Gazelle intense.” You focus like crazy on ONE GOAL, and when you get it done, then you move to the next. That’s what I want to do. I’m gonna work on each of my goals and get it DONE
20 responses to “My word and goals for the year”
maybe I need to think outside the box for mine too…. I am having a terrible time coming up with the right word. I am afraid it is because I have too many things to work on though. *sigh* I will keep thinking though, and be inspired by you!
That was my problem, so many things I want to work on.
Yeah! I’m glad you like it. 🙂
Oh, your word is as unique as you and your family are. Love it. And I recall “squirrel” being a favorite word of my former boss (not an idiot boss, a good boss before that). Good luck focusing and achieving this year.
Squirrel is one of mine too, and chicken. Sam used to yell squirrel randomly and it always cracked me up. There’s a rather long story from a gaming session about a squirrel that I’m almost tempted to tell, but I don’t think the amusement would translate to anyone but the people there, or an uber-gaming nerd of the role-playing type.
I loved this.. I always have a tough time with the one word thing. I can never think of something that I want to focus on for a whole year. I love that yours is about an attitude/commitment to a goal (any goal)!
I was having a hard time focusing on one word because I kept seeing new words and wanting to pick that one.
You always make me smile. {hugs}
You always make me smile too.
LOVE IT!! I hope my squirrel doesn’t trip your gazelle and we both end up in a mess…looking forward to seeing what the Lord helps you accomplish on your lists of goals.
Hopefully not, that’d be pretty bad, but I’m sure we’ll both be trucking along fine together. My next step to write down HOW I’m going to get some of these goals.
Squirrel is an awesome word. And I think Gazelle suits you 🙂
I think so too.
I’m far to verbose to pick just one word! It was going to be simplify but I fell at the first hurdle!
I gazelle shows much thought and imagination. I really hope it reflects your 2014 just a you want it to!Fingers crossed very tightly. Gazelle is my cheater way of getting several of the words I wanted all into one place.
Both squirrel and gazelle are awesome! Yes, I’ve been seeing this “word of the year” theme crop up pretty often. Thanks for sharing your goals; I love reading goals and resolutions because it inspires me to work on my own. Best of luck!
It inspires me too reading the others. It also gives me ideas of what types of things I might want to work on.
Ticia, I loved reading about the process. Just before I read your post, I read a post by Jeff Goins at about completing one goal at a time. I think it’s a great plan! Happy 2014.
How funny, apparently I’m not the only one with this philosophy.
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