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Wise Men visit Jesus lesson
Of all the lessons in this Christmas Story Sunday School unit, the story when the shepherds and the wise men visit Jesus might be my favorite. It’s our final lesson before Christmas, and there is so much we can learn from it.

What I pull from the shepherd and the wise men see Jesus

Recently I wrote a devotional for my church on Matthew 2 where the Wise Men come to Herod and say, “Where is the new king?” They show up in Jerusalem, and everyone looks at them and says, “You’ve got the wrong place, 10 more miles to Bethlehem.” Yet not a single one of them followed the wise men. They knew where the Messiah was to come, and what to look for, but they chose not to check this out.
On the other hand, the shepherds have angels come and announce, “The King of Kings is here!” and they immediately go see. And what is their response after seeing Jesus? They go and tell everyone what they saw.
Such an interesting comparison. The men who spent their whole lives studying the prophecies couldn’t be bothered to see if it was true. But the uneducated shepherds told everyone they met what they saw.
Wise men visit Jesus crafts and activities

The first activity is my favorite one of all that I do each year with my Sunday School class. Just like the shepherds see Jesus and tell the whole world, so do we want the kids to go out and tell the world, so we make a Christmas Story bracelet. It’s usually pretty popular with the kids, even the boys who are too cool for crafts.
I’ve always wanted to do a feast of the three kings on the Twelfth Day of Christmas once I learned about it, but never followed up with it, much to my regret.

Next up we have a really silly game, that is a great way to get wiggles out. It’s a variation on paper, rock scissors, but is instead Herod, Mary, Jesus. It’s a very silly Christmas Story minute-to-win-it game, but it was fun, and I had an entire Junior High classroom laughing as we played it.
Future Ticia 2024 notes I will finish updating this and make it much smoother to read in a little bit.

Wise men visit Jesus resources
- Christmas Storybook
- Jesus the real superhero of the story
- Angels declaring Jesus is here
- Wise men visiting Jesus printable
- Wise men visiting Jesus printable craft
Want to see what happens to Jesus after the Christmas story? Then check out my Gospels lessons. Make sure to check out the rest of the Christmas Story unit lessons.

4 responses to “Wise Men visit Jesus lesson”
I like the story bracelet idea.
Thanks! I like it too because it’s so hands on.
Christmas story bracelet is so fun – just like any other memory bracelet of that kind.
Those really are. I want to make one with my kids for the Thanksgiving story.
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