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Temptation of Jesus lesson
When we went to the Navajo reservation last summer the Temptation of Jesus was one of the lessons we taught. Partially because I had this great idea for a play, partially because the temptation of Jesus speaks to elements of their culture, and partially because I love all of the lessons we learn from the temptation of Jesus. Which of course meant, I was super excited to teach this to my Sunday School class.

We last saw Jesus getting baptized by his cousin, John the Baptist.
What I learn from the Temptation of Jesus
The first thing I learn from the temptation of Jesus is the importance of memorizing scripture. Every time Satan tempts him, Jesus has an immediate answer from scripture. And more importantly from Deuteronomy, the book most of us skip because it’s all rules. It just reinforces why I should be memorizing Bible verses, and actually led to the Temptation of Jesus activity we actually completed.
The second thing I learned, Jesus was tempted too. He didn’t sin, but Jesus was tempted. Do you know how HUGE that is? The very SON OF GOD was tempted. He was tired, he was hungry, and if he’s like me when I’m hungry, he was cranky. And He did not sin. That gives me hope in a way I cannot tell you. It tells me there is nothing wrong with being tempted. It’s when we ACT on the temptation that it’s a problem.
My final lesson is one I see from Jesus’ ministry over and over again. It is important to retreat and to take time to pray and be alone with God. Of all of these, this is the hardest for me to do. I don’t like to be still. I’m naturally moving all the time and being still before God is an antithesis to me. Which led to the other Temptation of Jesus activity I wanted to do……
Temptation of Jesus activity
Since Jesus answered Satan with scripture, it’s obviously important to know the Bible. Not just an “I know the answer is in there,” but actually being able to answer back with it. So we made a Memory verse book for the kids to be able to study.

So funny story. I sent the kids off to gather the supplies for this craft, here’s what our supplies originally looked like:
Supplies: Pip-Squeaks Marker Tower, Stapler, Scissors, printable in the download
And then the kids spent 15 minutes searching for the 3 different staplers I know are in our house. Finally, I said, “Forget the stapler. Find me paper clips and hair ties.”
Updated supply list: Pip-Squeaks Marker Tower, Stapler, Scissors, printable in the download, Paper Clips, hair tie (I think this is what I used, but I’d have to actually see and feel to be sure)
Then I set down to start our project.
0. Cut out all of the memory verse cards and put them in a nice neat stack.

1. First punch two holes in the pages, and thread the hair tie onto the paper clip. You want the hair tie on the bottom edge so the final step will be easier.

2. Feed the hair tie through the bottom hole punch.

3. Pull the hair tie through the top hole punch.

4. Slip the hair tie onto the rubber band, and now you’ve got a nicely bound memory verse book.
The plan is for the kids to decorate the verses as they memorize each one. So far they’ve got around 4 or 5 of the verses I included in the book colored.
The temptation of Jesus activity I wanted to do
Jesus spent 40 days alone praying, fasting, and talking to God. I really wanted to have the kids go outside and spend twenty minutes or so just sitting there talking to God. But, it’s been raining for the past couple of days. Which is good because we need the rain, but it did put a damper on my “spend time alone with God plan.”
The second temptation of Jesus activity we actually did
On Thursday morning we went out to eat before Princess’ dance class/party. I brought our “Good verses to know” books along with us. As people were winding down on eating food I pulled out our books and we went through each of the verses.

Slowly we discussed each of the verses I’d included in our book and how we might use them. Some I included because they’re encouraging, others because it answers a specific problem they might have (like the above verse about showing respect to everyone, imagine how much better the internet would be if people could just follow that one), others could answer questions other people might ask them someday (why do you believe, what does that mean).
We had a good discussion considering their age, and they slowly talked through the verses and talked about how they might use the verses when they are tempted. All in all it was a great discussion.

More Temptation of Jesus activities
Next up: Call of the 12 Disciples lesson or see all of the Gospel activities for kids
7 responses to “Temptation of Jesus lesson”
Very nice! And, very clever fix for a missing stapler!
Thanks, necessity really was the mother of invention in this case.
That is a very clever way to bind a mini book!
Thanks. I’ve been meaning to give that a try, and I guess that was the day to do so. Of course I thought I’d be using paper clips….
I love this activity! We do need to take the time to memorize Scripture because it helps us to overcome temptation.
Very nice. It is good to be reminded that temptations will surely come but what we do is what counts. Only God’s Word can help us to overcome these temptations.
It’s been several years since you first posted this, but I really like the way you have put this lesson together. I’m looking forward to using it to teach my kids tomorrow about how Jesus was tempted and overcame it using scripture.
Thanks for sharing!
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