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A few weeks ago I was talking to my friend about plans for Bible study for American Heritage Girls next year, and she talked about wanting to teach the girls how to pray. It’s a topic I’ve been thinking about too, and I told her I had a book on my to-read list, Helping Your Child Become a Prayer Warrior, and I sat down last week and read it as my children swam. It’s a great book to teach your children how to pray.

(Anne Marie gave me a free copy of Helping Your Children Become Prayer Warriors, and I’ve got some affiliate links in here like that link to the book right there)
The problem with teaching children how to pray
If you asked random people about how they pray, you’d probably get an answer like this: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep” OR you’ll get a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.
Then you progress to the church people, and they’ll probably know a little bit about prayer, maybe they’ll know the ACTS acronym (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) or some other formula.
But, it’s hard to teach someone how to pray. It’s a very personal thing, and what works for one person, may not work for another person.
Anne Marie created a step by step book to teach your children to pray
This is where we get into Anne Marie’s book, Helping Your Children Become Prayer Warriors, she writes through step by step how to teach your children to pray, and gives specific examples.

A few weeks ago I was talking to my friend about plans for Bible study for American Heritage Girls next year, and she talked about wanting to teach the girls how to pray. It’s a topic I’ve been thinking about too, and I told her I had a book on my to read list, Helping Your Child Become a Prayer Warrior, and I sat down last week and read it as my children swam. It’s a great book to teach your children how to pray.
(Anne Marie gave me a free copy of Helping Your Children Become Prayer Warriors, and I’ve got some affiliate links in here like that link to the book right there)
The problem with teaching children how to pray
If you asked random people about how they pray, you’d probably get an answer like this: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep” OR you’ll get a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.
Then you progress to the church people, and they’ll probably know a little bit about prayer, maybe they’ll know the ACTS acronym (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) or some other formula.
But, it’s hard to teach someone how to pray. It’s a very personal thing, and what works for one person, may not work for another person.
Anne Marie created a step by step book to teach your children to pray
This is where we get into Anne Marie’s book, Helping Your Children Become Prayer Warriors, she writes through step by step how to teach your children to pray, and gives specific examples.
I sat by the pool and watched the kids swim and mentally worked through in my mind how I would use this next year at AHG. I started mentally brainstorming different activities to do with the different chapters, and hands-on way to make these work. The chapters are nice and short and perfect for me to read as I glance up at the kids jumping into the pool and being crazy.

It starts off by explaining how to pray scriptures. This is an area I’m not good at. I’ve done it a few times for a lesson, like the God made you special lesson (also originally created for American Heritage Girls PRAY program). This gives me a great starting point.
What I love about this book on teaching your children to pray
I love how each chapter is short and to the point. Anne Marie doesn’t pad out the topic just because she can. She writes what she needs to and that’s it.
She breaks down several different topics and covers suggestions on how to teach your children to pray for that idea. Then in the back of the book, she gives you several different scriptures to use for each chapter. As I mentioned, each chapter I read gave me lots of ideas for activities to do.
I love the verse cards in the back of the book to help you with the prayers.
I’m struggling with how to best review the book because I feel more like it’s a great reference material, and it’s more of a step-by-step and some suggestions for each topic.
The downsides to the book
There are a couple of downsides to this book.
In a couple of chapters, I wish there’d been specific examples for the topics, especially the more difficult chapters (for example: Praying during times of suffering).
At the end of most chapters Anne Marie says looks at the verse cards, I wish she’d said which of the verse cards went with each lesson.
Final call on Helping Your Children Become Prayer Warriors

I expect I’ll be using this book often as we plan out lessons and ideas for specific prayer activities. It’s a nice basic book going through almost every way you can teach your child to pray
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