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Tag: Batman
Happy 18th birthday boys!
Y’all, my oldest kids are 18. This is absolutely mind-blowing. Let’s look at how you’ve changed over the years Look at them! They are so big now. This is not quite all 18 years. I’m missing one around 2 or 3, and then I didn’t include the 18th birthday shot from today as I’m writing…
Happy 17th Birthday Boys!
I swear this last year has FLOWN by! I don’t know quite how it happened, but you are 17 now. I think the younger years creep and the later years fly. I may be incorrect on this, but it sure seems like that. To both of you I cannot describe how proud I am of…
Happy 16th birthday boys!
I’m still trying to figure out just how this happened, but my boys turn 16 tomorrow. It’s weird to think about. After 10 years of birthday posts, I don’t have a lot original to say Boys you continue to amaze me with the young men you’re becoming. You regularly amazed me with your maturity. Then…
Happy 15th birthday boys!
I’m in a huge state of shock right now. That’s probably an overstatement, I’m not in a huge state of shock, but I’m certainly not ready for this. You have been alive for a decade and a half. You are 15 years old today. How did that happen? To my 15 year old boys I…
Happy 14th Birthday to Superman and Batman!
Today my boys turn 14. It’s a little weird to think the boys I could once hold with just one hand are now both taller than me, and probably if I were to weigh them, probably outweigh me quite a lot. Somehow you both got huge! This past year, somehow the two of you…