Superman and Batman are SEVEN!

How did they get SO OLD?


But, you know what?


I wouldn’t trade a moment of it.  Okay, maybe some moments…….


12 responses to “Superman and Batman are SEVEN!”

  1. Happy, happy birthday!! 🙂

  2. MamaHen Avatar

    Happy Birthday To Your Boys!!!!

  3. It does go by so fast! Happy birthday to your boys. Hope y'all have a great day

  4. Phyllis Avatar

    Happy Double Birthday!! They are the same age as my Quentin.

  5. Enchanted Homeschooling Mom Avatar
    Enchanted Homeschooling Mom

    Happy Birthday to your boys! I hope that they have a great day!

  6. MaryAnne Avatar

    Fabulous photos! Happy birthday to both boys! And how DO they grow up so fast?!

  7. Nicole {tired, need sleep} Avatar
    Nicole {tired, need sleep}

    Happy Birthday!! Can't believe they are 7 – seriously, HOW DID that happen?! Hope they had a wonderful day! 🙂

  8. Annette {This Simple Home} Avatar
    Annette {This Simple Home}

    WOW! Time flies!

    Happy birthday Big Boys!!

  9. Happy 7th Birthday boys!!!

  10. Christy Avatar

    Happy birthday to your superheroes! I know what you mean about them getting old!

  11. Heather@Cultivated Lives Avatar
    Heather@Cultivated Lives

    Life sure does zip by. As I see my boys get bigger, I'm reminded to cherish each season because they are so short.

  12. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog Avatar
    Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog

    Amazing!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your lovely superheroes! Can't believe they are 7 already?!? Feels like I've watched them grow up on your blog. xoxo

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