Princess is 5!

IMG_0646Kids & Taco Bell June 08 005




Who wouldn’t love this face?


I love her freckles.  I think she gets away with stuff just based on those freckles.  She is so full of life and energy.  She sings all the time.  I have more videos of her singing than you would believe.


I haven’t been doing gratitude posts, though I enjoy reading them, but when I think about what I’m thankful for it always comes down to pictures like those up above.  I’m grateful for a mostly happy and healthy family.  They love to  hang out together and are so loving and helpful to their siblings.


15 responses to “Princess is 5!”

  1. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Happy birthday Princess!!!

  2. So sweet!!! Happy Birthday beautiful princess!!!!

    She looks a lot like you!

  3. Happy Birthday! She does look just like a sweet princess. And freckles are good…I think they have got me out of a lot too!

  4. Happy Birthday Princess! It is sometimes hard to believe that our babies are growing up.

  5. Nicole {tired, need sleep} Avatar
    Nicole {tired, need sleep}

    Oh yes those freckles… adorable!! Happy Birthday, Princess – hope you have a wonderful day! Being 5 is awesome. 🙂

  6. Happy Birthday, Princess!!! I LOVE freckles, and enjoyed this collage of Princess through the years =)

  7. Love the pictures! Happy birthday to Princess!

  8. Gorgeous photo. Happy 5th Birthday!

  9. Enchanted Homeschooling Mom Avatar
    Enchanted Homeschooling Mom

    Thank you for sharing the photos, Happy 5th Birthday Princess!

  10. Happy Birthday, Princess! Hugs and kisses from all of us…Quentin,James,Sam,Alex,Katie,
    Phyllis & Steven

  11. Happy Birthday, Princess!!

  12. Discovering Montessori Avatar
    Discovering Montessori

    Happy Birthday Princess!! Wishing you lots of fun as you celebrate. Thank you for sharing, she is so cute!!

  13. Happy, happy birthday (a day late)!! Hope you had a good day of celebration 🙂

  14. Mama Jenn Avatar
    Mama Jenn

    Happy Birthday Princess!!!

  15. Happy Birthday!

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