Pride and Prejudice book and a movie 10th 7th high junior

Pride and Prejudice Book Club

A few years ago, thanks to a random discovery I found a modern-day adaptation of Pride and Prejudice movie that I loved. Princess came in while I was watching it and fell in love with it, and I explained it was inspired by Pride and Prejudice, which of course meant she wanted to watch it, so I told her to… READ THE BOOK and we’d watch the mini-series together and have a giant pile of snacks. She was totally down for that, which means this was a much less formal book and a movie night than usual, we didn’t really discuss all that much, and we certainly didn’t do a literature guide (though I’ll link to some of that at the bottom).

Pride and Prejudice book and a movie

(there are lots of affiliate links)

Pride and Prejudice synopsis

Pride and Prejudice book club

Lizzie Bennett is the second oldest of five daughters, and her mother is obsessed with marrying her off.  Fitzwilliam Darcy is the oldest son of a wealthy, landed family. The two meet, and he is prideful and she is prejudiced against him. Or maybe she is prideful to his critiques, and he is prejudiced against her poverty. But, will these two get together, or will this story not end happily?

I love the book, there’s a lot of great material there to talk through, and Princess and I enjoyed talking about it at the time.

Pride and Prejudice book club

I’m coming back to this because now I’m assigning this for my kids to read for their monthly book. None of my usual suspects had a Pride and Prejudice book club, so I did some hunting and finally found a free discussion guide:

It’s a pretty comprehensive list of questions, but I chose to use the active reading to get them thinking about the character dynamics and cause and effect from the book, and then the literary discussion question and I plan to let them either give me a 100-200 word essay on one question per segment OR give me a 1-2 minute presentation.

Pride and Prejudice Snacks

All right, there are two big versions of Pride and Prejudice you could watch, the good one or the bad one with all the pigs.  I may have opinions, and I know some people like the pig Pride and Prejudice (so-called because there’s randomly pigs in several scenes)

Pride and Prejudice book club snacks

I did not get pictures of every single snack for some reason, but the snacks I do have pictures of, I have like five pictures of each one.

  • Mr. Darcy’s Letter- graham crackers with marshmallow fluff and melted chocolate writing
  • Only Takes Pleasure in Reading- the books we frequently use in other movies (the lorum ipsum font is on the subscriber page, SIGN UP IN THE SIDEBAR!) with Hershey nuggets
  • Soldier in a Red Coat- gingerbread man with red frosting (we have this gingerbread men/house set)
  • “It is quite an ugly hat, but I’ll make it over”- Nilla Wafer (oohhh, individual packs work great for this because then you just get out 10 or so and don’t make the rest of the pack stale) with Marshmallows (okay, you have to click through and laugh at the crazy wrong name) and random frosting to make it more hat like
  • Playing Whist- rectangular sugar cookies with marshmallow fluff and then icing to draw the cards (though it may be graham crackers)
  • Do You Play?- sugar cookies in the shape of music notes with frosting
  • Punch for the ball- Sprite and lime sherbert
  • Lovely sort of wilderness- Not quite sure what I did here, possibly a salad
  • Whitefish- cheddar cheese slices cut into cheese shapes, though it could have easily been goldfish
  • White Soup- this would have been recipe for leftover ham
  • Cucumber Sandwich- Princess and I take any excuse to make cucumber sandwiches with cream cheese, cucumber slices, garlic salt, and dill weed
  • Ham Pasties- this recipe for leftover ham I’ve written about before
getting ready for a Pride and Prejudice movie night

The Pride and Prejudice snacks were a HUGE hit, and in a few years when I actually assign this for everyone to read, the boys at the very least will enjoy the snacks.

If not the love story.

Pride and Prejudice Book Club

Okay, the prime question from Pride and Prejudice, who is proud and who is prejudiced?

Pride and Prejudicebook and a movie 10th 7th high junior

That is a great discussion all by itself.

Then you can get into the differences in society, and how many of the problems come about because they just don’t talk to each other and misunderstand.

But, if you want a more formal Pride and Prejudice book club, then you obviously need to head over to my favorite place for getting literature guides, 7 Sisters, so here you go Pride and Prejudice literature guide.

Huh, I was wrong, they don’t have one. Now to dig around some more. Okay, I found three possibilities, but I haven’t actually looked in super detail at them, so no guarantees

Hmmm…. Of them, the last looks the best, the middle one is about the movie, and the top one just gives you more questions to discuss

Like this Pride and Prejudice book club, then try these ideas

Pride and Prejudice book club for high school

“pride and prejudice” by jlodder is licensed under CC BY 2.0

“Sunlight On Pride And Prejudice” by suzyhazelwood is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


One response to “Pride and Prejudice Book Club”

  1. I have to look for these mini-series. A read Pride and Prejudice this year in her 8th grade English, and she really enjoyed it. Perhaps she might like the movie.

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