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Preserving memories
My Mom has reminded me yet again, that I really should write more about what I’m up to somewhere, because how else will I remember those special little details. So, in order to make sure I remember those things. Here goes a few particular things that happened in the past few days.
My kids have all revealed they have a greater calling in life, here’s what they’ve decided their calling in life is: to be a hero or a princess. I just cracked up at lunch when I was solemnly told that Batman had (notice how I’m trying out not using their names, but using their preferred nicknames, I don’t know if I’ll stick to this, but it’s worth a try) been told by God “that he would be a hero,” specifically he’d be Batman. His brother then revealed he would be Robyn, and his sister, said she would be a princess.
Tonight we watched a surprisingly good movie “Gigi God’s Little Princess,” and as I was watching it, I saw my little princess in it so many times. There’s a scene in the movie where the little girl isn’t going to get what she wants because the king thinks she’ll like his plan better, so she pulls the “sad puppy dog face” complete with batting eyes, lower lip stuck out, and real tears. Did you see the real tears Daddy? And in the dream sequence of course the king gives in….. Now, how this remind me of my princess, even at the tender age of 2, she has mastered the sympathy I’m so cute look. And she knows how to flirt, this is very worrying. Her Dad is thinking of locking her in a tower once she hits 12, okay not really. But he has threatened the no dating until you’re married line.
She’s also developed a couple of really good defense mechanisms, that I’m having to break her of that habit: screaming. She can scream in such a way as to break windows, it’s kind of scary. When the boys take something of hers I always know what’s happened because I can hear it no matter where I am in the house. I’m not exaggerating, it’s that loud. She’s also decided that she’s the third triplet. She may be 21 months younger (my Mom reminded me of the difference in age again), but she is sure she’s a triplet. So, she wants to be in the same room with them, do the same things as them, she’s determined to potty train right there with them. Only, she’s not as successful on that last item as they are.
Okay, that’s a few things that are particularly on my mind right now, and I need to get to sleep, since I’m sure they’ll wake up at an insanely early hour, and I don’t have Jeff here to entertain them in the morning like I usually do. Sigh, poor me.
The funniness of little kids
So today I’m sitting at Taco Bell with the kids listening to them talk. Batman announces, “I have Superman on this hand, and Princess on the other.” He was using this to describe who was sitting next to whom. Now they continue on and Superman is talking about how this is Superman’s hand, but Batman keeps telling him, “No I Batman.” This continues on for a while with Princess piping in every now and then with “I Princess, I got Princess.”
Fast forward to driving home, Batman graciously let Princess sit in his seat. He had a hidden motive, he really wanted to sit in the middle seat, and not in his car seat. So as a special treat I let him sit there, with lots of warnings because I knew we were driving a very short distance, and he’s almost big enough to not need a car seat. I eagerly look forward to those days of only one car seat. Continuing on, so all three of them are sitting on the same row, and they are having a blast and talking to each other all the time. They are sitting there being silly and screaming occasionally, then telling each other to stop screaming, until the next one starts the whole rounds again. It’s really quite funny to listen to.
My kids seem to believe that when you are sneaking or hiding, to make sure people know what you are doing you need to say this. So, this morning as I’m taking my shower, I hear Superman, tip-toeing across the bathroom saying, “sneak, sneak, sneak,” and then he gets into the closet, and quite proudly announces, “I hiding!” To get a proper picture of this you should really imagine it like a cartoon mouse sneaking and hiding from the cat, it really was that exaggerated. At this point, if Jeff were here, he would be pointing out, that they learned this from me. Now, I maintain that I am completely innocent. Really and for truly. I have no clue where they picked this up.
“I don’t like girls,” or so I was told by Superman the other day. This conversation started when he told me that Princess couldn’t help him find his shoes because it was a boy problem, not a girl problem. When I followed up with him about this, he did admit that he liked one girl. He wouldn’t say which girl. He also wouldn’t say if he liked Mommy even though she was a girl. Princess was definitely not okay. He’s smart though, he knew enough to remain silent on the matter of Mommy or Mimi.
Superman ate some string cheese, and he came back with “You hungry Mommy? I hungry. You want cookie Mommy?” This was then followed by going to the next person he thought likely to give him a cookie, until he found someone who was hungry enough to get up and give him a cookie and themselves a cookie. His Aunt Tara is a soft touch, and got him at least 3 cookies. Everyone was very impressed with his reasoning skills.
Here’s my reasoning of his thought process: I want a cookie. If I get a cookie by myself I’ll get in trouble. If an adult gets me a cookie it’s okay. I’ll ask if they’re hungry.
He also has figured out to ask his Dad for things I won’t give him. I had some toys I had set aside for our trip this summer, so they’ll be new and fun to play with. The problem being Jeff didn’t know this, so he said they could play with them. Oh well, they’ll still be relatively new if I take them away today and put them away for 2 months.
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