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Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream activities
Last week in Sunday School we learned all about the Fiery Furnace, and this week we’re going to learn about the dream that might have inspired the problems in the fiery furnace.
Actually, if you want to get technical, Nebuchadnezzar didn’t have just one dream. So it shouldn’t be Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream activities, it should be dreams activities, but that sounds weird.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream activity 1

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is one of those passages that Biblical scholars and people who are into prophecy like to read and argue about, I mean my prophets pinterest board is filled with diagrams of this dream. For the first few parts of the statue there is universal agreement on what each part represents. Everyone agrees the head is Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom, the chest is Persians, the hips and thighs is Greece, and the legs are Rome. It’s the feet everyone argues over. Who do they represent? Has it already happened, will it happen at the end? Oh the debates.

But for my kids, the fun was all in the making of the statue. We gathered all our toilet paper rolls and made our own versions, then we rolled a giant stone at them just like happened in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.

Eventually, it turned into a bowling game, and the kids keep bringing it back up, “we should play the statue game again Mom.” It’s also a great jumping-off point for who that rock is. It’s generally agreed that rock represents Christ who in the end will reign overall, but it’s fun to talk about.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream activity 2
Nebuchadnezzar’s second dream is even stranger, especially because it’s written in the first person. He dreams about a tree, and it is cut down, and then Daniel says, “Bad news king, that tree is you and you’re going to go crazy.” Then Nebuchadnezzar spends several years as a lunatic behaving like an animal.
It’s weird, and not the fun weird of Revelation that has cool imagery or later chapters of Daniel. I mean the, “why is this in here?” weird. But then we reread the passage.

And that is why it’s in there. In the end, Nebuchadnezzar realized he was not the most important person or in control of the world. God is. That’s what we need to remember through it all.

To go with this part of the story we had fun making monster face snacks, which really means “tremendously large amounts of sugary snacks.” Either way, the kids were pretty happy about the whole thing.
While all of this discussion of statues and empires is fun, how does it really relate to us?
Why do I care about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream? Either of them?
Both of Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams shows God’s sovereignty and his omniscience. Only a God who is all-knowing can predict the future. Only an omnipotent God can bring down the most powerful man and restore him to his place.
We learn much from these dreams about our place in the world. Just as God showed Job his power when Job complained, so God shows Nebuchadnezzar who HE is when Nebuchadnezzar thought himself bigger than everyone.

Get your own copy of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dreams lesson by clicking here or on the picture up above.
To finish up Daniel’s story head over to Daniel and the Lion’s Den lesson .
Get all of the Old Testament prophets lessons here.
16 responses to “Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream activities”
You are so clever! I love the game and the snack looks yummy scrummy!!
The kids certainly enjoyed the excuse for a snack. They were looking around trying to convince me we should make more of them, which did not happen much to their dismay.
Wow, your students learn a lot in your Sunday school!
I sure hope so. It’s always interesting to me to see what sticks in their heads and what they forget completely.
I always enjoy the life lessons you pull out of these stories. And your drawings are great!
Thanks! I’ve been working hard at improving them over the years and I cringe sometimes when I look at earlier drawings. It’s funny how when you look back at your older work instead of thinking, “Wow, how much I’ve grown,” instead we (or maybe just me) think, “Wow, that’s so terrible, look at all the mistakes.”
I really want both the kids and I to realize these aren’t just fun stories to read, they actually have a purpose and a point.
Fantastic! I think I would cut the tube into sections, so when the “rock” hits it, it would fall apart…I really love it! When I was little one of my favorite ARCH books was “The Braggy King of Babylon”. I think I still have it somewhere. I’m going to have to pull it out, just so we can make monster face snacks 🙂
I have been trying to download the lesson, and I can’t get the links to work. I don’t know if it is something I am doing or not. Thanks for your good work!
I got it all fixed. I had made an error in my writing, so it made the links not clickable. Thanks for letting me know so I could fix it! You should be able to click on them now and download them.
I love your lesson in Daniel 2 & 4. It is very long in the Bible, but your representation and picture is short and easy to remember for kids. That is hard for me! Thank God you have such gift to serve Him in Children Ministry !
Thank you very much. I use this lesson for my class this Sunday.I’m so glad it’s helpful, that’s been my prayer that my stories would be helpful to others and help bring people closer to God.
Thank God, the lesson from you grabbed a lot of kids’ attention last Sunday. I have been satisfied after the class. Thank you Ticia again. May God bless you and reveal His Word more for you.
Hello Ticia,
Patricia Ready from Anniston, AL here. I really appreciate all your work. I love your lessons!
I am currently working on lessons in the book of Daniel. I noticed in the activities section of your lesson on Nebuchadnezzar’s Dreams, #2 is Treasure Hunt: fill in details. What are the instructions/details for this activity please? I have read through the lesson and I am not locating this information.
Thank you for your help with this matter.That is a great question, and I totally missed filling in the details when I first wrote this and posted it. I can think of two different ways to do this.
1. Nebuchadnezzar clearly valued riches and treasures over God, I’d hide plastic coins throughout your room and challenge them to find the treasures throughout the room, and afterward talk about how Nebuchadnezzar valued his money and fame more than God.
2. You could hide items that represent the different empires all over the place and create a treasure map to find them, and talk about the different places he dreamed about.
Do you have a template to copy of the statue for the toilet paper roll?
For ours I just freehanded a copy of the statue, but you could print off the statue from the storybook smaller.
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