Remembering to Praise God in the Good times and the bad

Job Bible lesson plans, praising in pain

Last time I shared about Job from the Bible (I have to add that because otherwise, search engines think I’m talking about job as in “get a job”), and how to help friends in pain.  It’s a great Sunday School lesson because we all know someone who had a hard time.  This time we looked at the last 40 or so chapters of the book.  This part of Job starts off with all of his friends turning on him, let me sum up 30 chapters in one sentence, “You must have done something wrong because God is punishing you.”

Remembering to Praise God in the Good times and the bad

What I learned from this Job Bible lesson

First, let me say, what horrible friends.  That is not the thing to say to someone suffering.  They did much better when they sat and said nothing.  We took some time and talked about how horrid they were, but it wasn’t the focus of our lesson.  Instead, we looked at the last 10 or so chapters.  For me, this is where Job gets good because the first 30 something chapters is misery upon misery of poetry.  And not just poetry, but angst poetry.

Then God steps in and we see His majesty and His power.  So we responded as Job did, and praised and worshipped God.  I think limiting praise to music is way too narrow for God, the all-powerful Creator of the Universe, so we were creative like God is.

Job Bible lesson plans

Goal: To see the majesty of God and learn about praising God when in pain

Activity: Use your creativity like God does

(Sorry, every now and then I revert to my old lesson plan format from teaching, and it amuses me)

praising God in hard times
I didn’t bother updating with my new logo for this one

And we drew and painted.  Even the teens did, for almost an hour.  They happily painted and drew different expressions of God’s majesty.  For Batman he created his favorite animal, a pteranodon, Princess also drew her favorite, a horse.  Superman decided to imitate God and create his own world, just like God.

Why did I choose this activity for our Job Bible lesson plans?  Because all too often we forget to praise God in different ways, and we sing a song and that’s it, but praising God is so much more than that, especially when times are hard.

saying goodbye

This seemed especially appropriate as we say goodbye (for now I hope) to our accomplices in homeschool crimes, the E family as they packed up to leave today.  It’s a bittersweet pill to swallow, and we wish them well in their travels.

Job remembering to praise God in the good times and the bad

Job Bible lesson for kids

Alternative Job Bible lesson with all 4 friends’ pictures.

Now in how I run through the Bible, next we learn about baby Moses.


7 responses to “Job Bible lesson plans, praising in pain”

  1. Betty Schlichter Avatar
    Betty Schlichter

    Thank you for your material. It is such a help with pictures for the lesson of Job. I have used this lesson twice. I have wondered where your picture is … of, I’m not sure which friend it is, but the man with the beard in red, as shown in the panorama picture? There are four friends pictured here, but in the story material only three are included. Following the story material you need the fourth friend. Maybe this is an oversight.
    Thanks again , In Christ, Betty Schlichter

    1. On the page where I would have used his picture, I ended up using a picture of Job by himself. Let me look around a little bit and see if I can find that illustration in my notes somewhere.

    2. Ok, added the other picture instead as an alternative underneath.

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