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Why you need Homeschooling High School by Design.
You may or may not be aware, but my kids are about to hit high school. This is terrifying. Somehow my children are that old. I also know colleges are competitive and how I design our high school is important. That is why when Heather came out with Homeschooling High School by Design, I needed to buy it. I then dilly-dallied around completing the course because after all, it’s over a year before high school hits, and then I woke up one day this spring and said, “AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Homeschooling High School is less than six months away. I really need to finish this course.”

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Heather’s bona-fides to teach Homeschooling High School
Heather, over at Blog, She Wrote, has graduated two kids. Both of her graduates are at impressive colleges (Purdue and Cornell), and have scholarships. Her son wants to be an author, and her daughter wants to be a costume designer. I’ve loved watching the evolution of her sewing, and I’ve been known to stalk Heather’s Instagram for glimpses of her daughter’s sewing projects. Also, she has some great quotes over there from books she’s read.
Heather’s blog makes me happy.
Homeschooling High School BY Design makes me happy

You’ll see this on Heather’s testimonials, but we were messaging and I was talking about how much I was enjoying her class, AND how much I learned from it.
I then told her all about how some of the high school presenters at the national homeschool conference I went to were not as helpful in their information, and they made me feel like I was behind the game.
And that I needed to do all the stuff NOW!
By contrast, each lesson Heather has slowly step by step prepares you for high school. It also, reassures you, you can do this, and it’s not as scary as you think.
What I love about Homeschooling High School BY Design

I keep capitalizing all of “BY,” I know it is not capitalized like that in the course, but in my mind, I’m capitalizing it because it is BY design. It’s not just haphazard, you are planning it out step by step. You’re starting with the end goal in mind, and working backward. I’ve approached most of my parenting this way.
I love the different lessons, and how Heather emphasizes the changing roles.

I love the times she says, “I may know a lot on this topic, but here’s an expert article to learn more.” I love the expert articles she includes. One of my favorite lessons is Lesson 8: Parent Teacher Role in High School.

I love how encouraging the entire thing is. She always encourages and prepares us. It reminds me of taking Dave Ramsay, and his saying “You want someone that has the heart of a teacher. They’ll explain the why and the how behind what you are doing.” Heather explains the why and the how.

She admits it doesn’t always go according to plan, and how to adapt your plans when necessary. Her oldest was diagnosed with Lyme’s disease, a disease I am quite familiar with because my best friend Tara was diagnosed with it and had to drop out of high school because of the severity of her symptoms. Heather talked through how she homeschooled her son through a severe illness and how that changes what you do.
She gives you recommendations, but she doesn’t say, “If you aren’t using what I’m using, then you’re wrong.” She gives advice without it being authoritarian. That is hard to do.
What to know when buying the class

It’s online. You’re pretty much reading all of it on your computer, there are occasional video supplements, but most of it is reading.
This is actually better for me because I have a tendency with video courses to try and do something else while watching them. So I focused better. This may be a disadvantage for you, for me, it’s a huge advantage.

This is part one of the class. There is a second class called Homeschooling for College by Design. I’m starting on that probably in July, so I can’t talk to it yet. There are topics she briefly touches on in the first class that is elaborated on more in the second class.

There are two options for the class. The first is just taking the class and joining the Facebook group. This is what I did. The second option is a six-week coaching option (this is new, and wasn’t available when I bought the class). It sounds like a fascinating way to take the class, I’ve never taken a class that way. Someday maybe.
More on Homeschooling High School
I have been preparing for homeschooling high school for the past couple of years and researching what I need to do and a great curriculum. Also, my kids may have read a few high school-aged books already…
2 responses to “Why you need Homeschooling High School by Design.”
It’s hard to believe that our kiddos are entering high school. I think homeschool really allows one to design a unique, one-of-a-kind experience, and I already see you customizing education for each of your kiddos. I can’t wait to read about your high school homeschool adventures next fall.
I know! It’s super crazy to see how close our kids are to graduating!
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