Happy 15th birthday boys!

I’m in a huge state of shock right now.

That’s probably an overstatement, I’m not in a huge state of shock, but I’m certainly not ready for this.

You have been alive for a decade and a half.

You are 15 years old today.

How did that happen?

To my 15 year old boys

I just reread what I wrote to you on your 14th birthday. You are now both quite clearly taller than me. It’s kind of fun to be able to say, “Tall Child, grab that thing on the top shelf.” I no longer have to stretch and reach stuff, I can get my giants to get it for me.

You sometimes find that funny.

I know I always do.

Pretty much everything I wrote last year is true now.

You are both amazing young men, and I still regularly have parents and adults talking to me all aobut you, and what amazing young men you are.

You have grown a pretty cool friend group.

Every two weeks you’ve got your own D&D group that you take turns running, and it’s amusing to me watching you organize this and talking about your plans together.

Your knowledge of when your friends are allowed on the computer and when you can logon to play games with them greatly amuses me.

Except the times when I’m tired of you being on the computer.

But you always get off when I tell you with mostly a happy heart.


Happy birthday Batman!

You’re the younger twin, and so you usually come second. Today, I’m going to talk about you first, just to be different.

editing these photos had me crying, I still miss my dog.

You are my rock and my steady child. I can count on you to do things without complaining 99% of the time.

This is both a good and a bad thing.

It’s awesome because of the great maturity I see in you, and how much you step up and are willing to do stuff even when it’s hard.

It’s also bad because sometimes you step up when your siblings should be the one stepping up.

My hope for you is to learn when you need to step up, and when you need to let someone else bear that burden. This is going to be a challenge for you because of all of my kids, you are the people pleaser. I pray you can learn to step back, and let others take the hit.


Happy birthday Superman!

While Princess is my mini-me, in all reality, you are my twin in pure silliness. Maybe that’s why you and I are the twins in our family campaign (TWIN TELEPATHY GO!).

I can count on you to lift people’s moods, and try to make anyone laugh when moments are getting too tense.

I 100% recognize this trait because I do it too.

We can sit there and be absolutely over the top ridiculous.

Like “fighting” over who gets to poke the other person last.

I think that’s what that ridiculous event was about, I’m not really sure, but we both laughed about it.

My hope for you this year, is to deepen down. Know when to put aside the laughter and grow roots. I can’t tell you when that should happen, it’s something you’ll have to learn.

In all honesty, it’s something I’m still working to learn sometimes.


I don’t have much to say to you my boys

Ten years of writing these posts means I’ve said a lot of what I want to say to you. I’m so excited to see the young men you are becoming. It was cool to see how you reacted to visiting the local junior college, and how you shrugged your shoulders and said, “Okay, that’s what I’ll do,” and then carried on like that’s just what we do.

It’s amusing to me to have you occasionally say, “Mom, that is too silly.”

I’m sorry child, there is no such thing as too silly.

Back me up on this Superman, I’m sure you think so too.

So, I’ll just leave this with a “Happy birthday! I’m sure today (which is going to be spent playing board games) will be awesome!”


Previous Birthday wishes



One response to “Happy 15th birthday boys!”

  1. OMG, how did this happen??? Our kids are getting so big! It is amazing to see your boys growing up on your blog – happy birthday, health, and joy to both of them!

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