4 week Christmas Story Unit for homeschool or Sunday School gospel New Testament Advent

The Christmas Storybook

I’ve put together a 4 week Christmas Storybook Bible study to do with your family or in your Sunday School.  There’s one for each week of Advent starting with Jesus’ family tree and going through the wise men visiting.

Free 4 week Christmas story Bible study

The Christmas Storybook is a big hit in my Sunday School class every year they know what to expect and have fun getting involved.

Who is who in Jesus Family Tree Christmas Story Bible study

Lesson 1 of the Christmas storybook covers Jesus family tree Scroll to the bottom of the page to get the printable Christmas story book for this lesson and all of them.

Birth of John the Baptist Christmas lesson

Lesson 2 of the Christmas Storybook covers the birth of John the Baptist, again scroll to the bottom to get the printable.

Jesus is coming Christmas storybook

Lesson 3 of the Christmas storybook covers the news of Jesus coming. The printable are at the bottom (notice the trend of this link)

shepherds and wise men Christmas storybook

Lesson 4 covers the shepherds, wise men, and others who see Jesus after he’s born. Scroll down to the bottom, all of the stories are there together in one Christmas story printable.

Each week has discussion questions for pre-schoolers, elementary age, and teenagers to adults as well as activities, crafts, and links to more ideas I found online.

I say all this to let you know, we’re taking a break from Genesis for December to concentrate on Christmas……..  I’m a sucker for Christmas, I’ll admit it.

4 week Christmas Story Unit for homeschool or Sunday School gospel New Testament Advent

Christmas Story printable Download it here

For more information on my Bible Curriculum head on over the the Bible Curriculum page.

Follow Ticia Adventures in Mommydom’s board Advent season on Pinterest.


15 responses to “The Christmas Storybook”

  1. You did a fantastic job! I have printed this, pinned it and will be sharing it. Thank you for all of your hard work!

  2. I just started a new blog linky today & would love to have you come by & share some of your great ideas.
    Have a great day!

  3. Thanks so much! Can’t wait to go check it out~

  4. Andrea @ No Doubt Learning Avatar
    Andrea @ No Doubt Learning

    This is fantastic! I’ve been looking for a way to cover this with my 5 and 3 yeas olds – thank you!

  5. Thank you so much SO SO MUCH for providing this to us readers free of charge! I was thinking of doing something similar to this on my own for the sunday school class i teach for these weeks leading up to Christmas, and then i found this post! what a help and blessing!!!!!

    1. I’m glad it’s helpful! We’ve used this unit in our 3/4 grade class for the past 3 or 4 years and it’s always a big hit.

  6. 🙂 Wonderful!!

    Thanks so much to our Jesse Tree!

  7. Thank you so much for this incredible story for little ones to understand. God bless you this Christmas and all through the year. Merry Christmas

    1. Thank you! I hope the story is a blessing to you!

  8. Wow what a wonderful resource for children beautifully planned.

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