Gospel activities for kids

gospels unit

We spend about 3 months on gospel activities and Jesus’ ministry.  There are so many ideas and activities to cover in this that I had a hard time paring it down.  I did split off the parable activities from the gospel activities because otherwise, this page would become way too long.

Gospel activities for kids

I have separated the Christmas Story from the rest of the gospel activities because that is a whole different subject area in my head.

Gospel Activities for kids

  • Boy Jesus at the Temple– this isn’t part of the official curriculum, but it’s a new lesson I added in because it’s popular
  • John the Baptist lesson– We start off our gospel activities with a John the Baptist lesson.  We get to learn about the man who got Israel ready for Jesus’ ministry and see how everyone, even Jesus, needs to obey God.
  • Temptation of Jesus Christ lesson– This is a great lesson for kids who think they’re the only ones who ever had a problem with temptation.  It shows that even Jesus was tempted, but he had the power to resist temptation.  We also see the benefits of knowing scripture.
  • Calling of Jesus’ disciples– If you, or your kid, has ever thought Jesus can’t use me because I’m ordinary, this lesson will show you how God took 12 ordinary men and trained them to change the world.
  • Jesus changes Water to Wine– Not all miracles are big and showy, sometimes they are small things.  This lesson also shows us how God cares for the small things in life, like a groom being embarrassed at his wedding.
  • Jesus Feeds the 5000– Not only does God care about the small details, but he cares if we are hungry.  God cares for our physical needs.
  • Jesus walks on water– Trust in God because he still loves us when we fail.
  • Jesus heals the paralytic– This story is a great example of the value of good friends.  It also shows God cares for our physical needs and can heal us.
  • Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter (plus a bonus healing!)– God cares for our emotions, and He has control over life and death.
gospels unit

Continuing the Gospel Unit

In the other units there is a very clear delineation to split up the units, but this time it’s just a whole lot of awesome units

Lazarus relay race
Gospels Unit for Sunday School