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August 2020 in Review
I may have made a bad decision in choosing to start school for real this month. One week in and I’m already having to push off a few subjects from the plans because it was just too busy.
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August week 1
I’m trying out the “new” Picmonkey collage since Flash is going away soon, they really want you to try this new version, and I can’t quite decide if I like it or not.
After eight months, I filled up my notebook, and now it’s time to switch over to a new one. I’ve already got a few new stickers on the back, and I look forward to seeing how I fill it up.
Leezard got one of her last round of vaccines as a puppy, and afterward, we went by Petsmart and were able to sign her up for puppy training class, which made me quite happy. We actually had her first lesson today (Saturday), and it was interesting. She’s such a hyper dog, and the different dog personalities there was fun to watch.
Wednesday, Princess and I joined the other 8th grade (soon to be 9th grade) girls for a picnic at the park, with Leezard along, and she LOVED playing in the water.
As to what was going on, more Typhoon Texas, which for some strange reason I don’t get a picture of… Then Tuesday night we had small group with friends and played The Captain is Dead, which was fun again. I hadn’t played it for a few months, and it was good to play it again. I also apparently still need to review that, so that will have to happen soon…
August week 2
This meme made me laugh way more than I expected. Then I showed it to my family and they said it would have been even better with David holding Goliath’s head, and I was forced to admit they were right.
Leezard really loves smelling the flowers, and I keep trying to get that picture, but it’s just not happening she always moves right before I get the picture.
We continued working through our chemistry, and I forced my son to let me get a picture. He rolled his eyes and complied.
We played a couple of games, first Tempurra, which was a fun and quick family game, then the boys picked up the RPG with giant mechs, which of course I don’t remember the name.
Then we had our last time going to Typhoon Texas for the summer, so I insisted on getting a picture. It rather reminded me of every dramatic walking shot you’ve ever seen in a movie.
And finally, Princess and I imitated Bob Ross’s style, or attempted to with the other girls in her group with very mixed results, however they all had a blast and we got some new inside jokes out of it, so that was well worth it for the time spent and the ridiculous attempts at making his art style. A couple of the girls then went home and made their own version using watercolors, which turned out much better than the acrylic paint style he uses.
I also found this fascinating article by C.S. Lewis on reading old books, that I’d heard quotes from before, but now want to find more.
August week 3
This is a bit out of order chronologically. So, I’ll just address the pictures in order.
Top right is a picture of Princess from a photo scavenger hunt I did with my d-group (discipleship group), they all had a blast and we had fun laughing about the different pictures we got and how often our pictures were sometimes almost exactly the same.
We learned about Belarus this week and attempted a recipe Natalie suggested, the crepes came out well, but I was short on the sausage, so that part was a little too much sauce. Also, as I was reading the recipe afterwards, the idea was to dip the crepe in the sauce, not wrap the sausage/sauce mixture up in the crepe (sorry, I’m writing this while insanely tired, and I just cannot remember what the recipe was called, beyond that it tasted good).
There are two more pictures from our Belarus study, one is a picture of Chagall’s artwork from a book I found at our library, and then the bottom right corner is Superman’s attempt at a Chagall style picture. The kids are not big fans of modernist art, so I got a lot of laughter as we put this together.
Speaking of Superman, he decided to hide my slippers in the refrigerator, which was… annoying.
Leezard continues to be silly. She likes to climb up on my shoulder, and it always amuses me, so I try to get a picture of it. Then today, I hadn’t gotten the trash from my lunch thrown away yet, and she was rather freaking out as she attempted to get the bag her head was stuck in off.
Oh, and Leezard is going to a doggy daycare to work on socialization with other dogs, and when she came back this week we got a report card for her, The kids were all laughing at the dog being the first “kid” in the family to get an official report card.
I was wildly amused at the sign on the pet store door stating they were out of crickets, I’m not sure why that was hilarious, but it was.
We watched Alice Through the Looking Glass, it was horrible, but these are the crowns I made for the movie creatively taking the bat cookie cutter and cutting it in half to make them.
August Week 4
We started the week with Jeff going up to Dallas with Princess, so the boys and I spent the weekend playing Shadows of Brimstone for two days straight. I took my brand new frontier doc, Lottie S. Laughter, and leveled her all the way up to level 4!
Leezard got into a bag of chips that was vaguely within her reach, so of course, I had to get a picture before rescuing her and taking it off her head.
I’ve got all of my blog posts planned out for the next calendar year, in theory, maybe kind of. I’ve still got this theory of an awesome October 31 day series, which I haven’t written a single post about, so that may just be a crazy pipe dream I have.
Yeah, that feels like a pipe dream.
That bottom corner is what school looks like for me right now as we discuss history or government. The kids are spread out over the couch, and we have fun discussing.
Mostly, at times comments from the peanut gallery are a little overwhelming.
Continuing on, Jeff and I met my brother for a movie. Actually two movies. We saw New Mutants, Thursday night, and it was quite fun, much better than I expected. Then Friday we saw Bill and Ted Face the Music, and I loved that one. I kind of want to go see it again. It was a blast.
That night, we went to Princess’ Court of Awards for the year, and the boys wore their plague doctor masks, much to her chagrin. She was awarded the Presidential Service Medal again with 100 hours of service total.
And that is all of August, and I am tired.
Not a good way to start the next school year.
10th grade in review so far
Okay, I guess I only classified August as 10th grade so far…. Huh, so you are here.
2020 in Review
One response to “August 2020 in Review”
Wow, the movie theaters are open? So jealous! We are still sitting in quarantine here. Too bad you didn’t get the sauce part of machanka right 😉
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