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Do you ever find a book and wish it had been published a few years ago? I feel that way when I found Wonderfully Made* by Danika Cooley. It’s a book to teach your kids about pregnancy, and for them to see how the baby grows inside a mother’s womb. It also would make a nice little Bible study if you are expecting as you talk about it with your kids.

{This post contains affiliate links marked with a *. For more information read my disclosure page, my super awesome friend Danika gave me a copy of her book so I didn’t have to buy it, but you’ll see why I think it’s so wonderful}
Four years ago my sister-in-law was pregnant, and my kids had all sorts of questions about what was happening, how was the baby growing inside of her, and how the baby got there?
I found a wonderful book that addressed many of those issues, but it didn’t address their big concern, how was the baby growing? I mean how did the baby get from something smaller than we can see without a microscope to 8 pounds 10 ounces?
Enter Wonderfully Made
Wonderfully Made answers all of the questions your kids have. It goes through and explains how the baby got in the mommy’s womb (in a way you can safely share with a child who isn’t ready to learn specific details about “the s-word”, as my daughter calls it). If I’d had this book four years ago I would have saved myself a lot of repeated questions, as I could have said, “Let’s pull out the book.”

Then it goes through week by week and shows how the baby changes and grows. All the while it shares a verse from the Bible referencing how God made you special.
This is how I’m going to use Wonderfully made now

As I mentioned earlier, I’m pondering Wonderfully Made and how to share this idea with my daughter. Young girls especially struggle with image issues, and think “fill in the blank body part is ugly.” I want my daughter to know she is wonderfully made, and God made her to look just the way HE imagined. She is no accident. That is a pretty special message, and you can see that all throughout the book.
Random side note that is semi-related

As I was looking at the pictures in Wonderfully Made* I was randomly reminded of the Jump Start comics that ran when I was pregnant with the boys, and so I had to dig up their baby book to find it. Then I had to check Princess’ baby book to see if the Baby Blues story line I remember from when I was pregnant with her was in there, it was not, and I was sad.

All that to say, I’ll recommend this book to any pregnant mom who already has a kid or two to explain what’s going on with their new brother or sister. Oh, and go check out Danika’s Facebook page, it’s one of my favorites on there, I’m constantly reading the articles she shares.

Some more traditional Bible studies for kids
This is more geared towards a scientific take on how babies grow with Bible verses to support it, so it’s not exactly a Bible study, but it’s also not exactly a science textbook because of the tone, which is a sense of wonder to convey awe at how babies grow.
3 responses to “Teaching Your Kids how a baby grows with Wonderfully Made”
This does look like a great book!
I love how she “talks” through the whole thing, it’s super loving and just makes any child feel cherished and special.
This looks like a brilliant book, and perfect even if you aren’t pregnant. I think even my older ones would enjoy it 🙂
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