Armor of God copywork and craft New Testament letters Bible

How to be Knights and Princesses of God




This Bible lesson all started because I wanted to work on my kids’ behavior. I brainstormed a little bit, and decided to turn an armor of God Bible lesson into a mini How to be knights and princesses of God unit.


We started while the kids were still suffering from the TERRIBLE LAUNDRY DISEASE but were too antsy to just lay there and watched The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. It made for a great introduction, and afterward we wrote down everything we learned about knights and princesses on a giant chart tablet (which you will never see because the giant mess monster ate it).

Armor of God craft: Paper clip armor

Then, because they were still very pathetic, but I needed something to entertain them, we made paper clip armor for their stuffed animals.

paper clip armor of God lesson
Future Ticia 2022 is wondering just what costume that vest is supposed to be from, I would assume something colonial. Maybe when we went to Colonial Williamsburg for the first time?

Which honestly didn’t go super well, and while it was a great time killer, it wasn’t all that great of an activity. But, they had fun, even if we now can’t put the armor back on the dolls.

paper clip armor of God

Armor of God craft: knightly scroll

After my debacle with the Terrible Laundry Disease I decided to ease into school and we read (Future Ticia 2022 somehow the book I linked to seems to be gone, so another book series I like) Gigi, God’s Little Princess and Will, God’s Mighty Warrior and continued to add onto our chart. Then we made a scroll.

How to make a toy scroll

I made a ridiculously strong pot of tea (3 bags for that pan), and we soaked the paper in it for a minute or two. They take about an hour or so to dry. Meanwhile, they colored their popsicle sticks, and when it was all dry they wrote their advice for being a knight, and we rolled up their scrolls to be played with.

Active game: Find the lost toy

Next, we read Princess Grace and the Little Lost Kitten, added more to our chart, and then I told them all to find some stuffed animals, and we spent a fun time at the rock park finding our lost toys.

toy hide and seek in the park

It was wildly successful, and we played a couple of rounds of it before I turned them loose to run around while I just sat there and concentrated on not being sick. It is incredibly hard to be sick when you’re kids aren’t. They don’t want to rest anymore.

toy hide and seek in the park game

It was a great lesson in perseverance for Batman, who couldn’t find his dolly no matter how hard he looked, or that’s what he was trying to play like…

Armor of God copywork

Armor of God mini printable unit

Finally, we finished it all off with a bit of coypwork and matching. The kids enjoyed figuring out the armor of God and didn’t grumble excessively about the copywork, even if it’s not their favorite thing.


You can get the armor of God copywork in my Subscriber Library (join my newsletter).

More Great Bible lessons

Armor of God mini unit


21 responses to “How to be Knights and Princesses of God”

  1. I have also found reminding the girls how princesses behave will sometimes help their behavior! I hope everyone is feeling well quickly!

    1. That’s a good point! I know with my boys it helps to remind them of being knights and that changes their behavior too.

  2. I hope that everyone is feeling better! Love the hide and seek in the park activity, the paper clip armor, and the scroll. Even if they can’t put the armor back on the stuffed animals it sure looks like a fun activity!

    1. It was, they all really enjoyed this unit, thanks for asking me to participate, it’s been a fun challenge for me in general.

  3. I think the paper clip armour’s actually my favourite part! I bet that kept them busy for ages.

    Hope you’re all feeling better again now. Being sick when people are bouncing off the walls around you is no fun.

    1. We are, we went to the Renaissance festival yesterday and generally recharged. It was a lot of fun.

  4. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    I think the paperclip armor is a fun idea! I think real armor is actually pretty hard to get on and off, too ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I think most clothes AND armor from that time is hard to take off, even my non-period correct corset I wore yesterday was a pain to get on and off and I don’t even cinch it up all that much.

  5. I tried to download your great work, but it didn’t work, just kept taking me to your Sunday post.

    1. Sigh, that should be fixed now. Reasons not to write while tired.

  6. I love the paperclip armor! That’s so creative!! And really, quite similar to what real armor would have been like.

    I hope the Laundry Disease died at your house – doesn’t sound like much fun at all!

    1. Thankfully it has, but it was a rather slow and lingering death that kept us from several activities.

  7. Great post- Y’see, you can even write great posts when you’re exhausted- what a star!!
    I also have to agree that the paper clip armour is a clever touch- I’ll have to try that!( Actually I’LL be doing no such thing- I meant my children will have to try that!!)

    1. I knew what you meant ๐Ÿ™‚ I say the same thing a lot of times to people, meaning my kids will have to try it.

      We had SOOOOO much fun with this, I was really surprised at how much everyone enjoyed it all. The boys didn’t even complain about the copywork!

  8. I can see how this theme would be greatly popular at your house. Sorry that you were implementing it while under the attack of the Laundry Disease, but it looks like the kids had a lot of fun with it anyway.

    1. They sure did. I’m really looking forward to the next theme: wizards, I’m thinking of using Harry Potter with this one and trying some “potion making”……

      So glad that disease is over with, now to get caught up on all that laundry and cleaning, we undid our massive work of cleaning from the week before.

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