Category: reading and writing

  • Germany Unit

    Germany Unit

    We studied Germany a couple of different times in our geography lessons. We studied it first when the kids were little as part of a Christmas Around the World Unit. Then we made a delicious meal, and finally we did a mad dash through Europe in high school. Now in 2025, years after we completed…

  • Pirates booklist

    Pirates booklist

    Arrr! We all love pirates, or we like the theory of pirates, but if we think about it too much, we start to realize pirates are not the fun romanticized idea, so let’s just go with ARRR! I was looking up some books on something else when I saw a book I vaguely remembered reading…

  • Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie night

    Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie night

    If you haven’t read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, then you need to right now.  You will not regret it. As soon as I found out it was a book and a movie, I had to do this. HAD TO.  I listed it as one of my favorites on my Christmas books post last year.…

  • Laura Numeroff writing lesson

    Laura Numeroff writing lesson

    As a teacher, I loved working with Laura Numeroff’s books. The kids loved listening to her books and the antics of the different animals. In my second year of teaching I got a stuffed animal of her Mouse from the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books. Now that I have my own kids…

  • Daily paragraph bingo

    Daily paragraph bingo

    When my kids were in upper elementary their writing skills were not where I wanted them to be. They needed to work on their editing and their ability to quickly write a paragraph, so I sat down and started creating some writing prompts. I then turned the prompts into daily paragraph bingos and it became…