David and Jonathan bow and arrow craft Bible Old Testament 1 and 2 Samuel

Bible: David and Jonathan craft

One of my favorite stories of friendship in the Bible is the story of David and Jonathan.  Jonathan’s father, King Saul, started off treating David as a son, but as he became more jealous he chose to try and kill him.
In the story, Jonathan promises to find out his father’s plans and then let David know by firing arrows into a field.  They set up a code, and Jonathan goes to get the news from his Dad.  Sadly, he finds out that David needs to run.  After reading the story, we decided to make our own bows and arrows for a David and Jonathon craft.

Future Ticia 2024 is updating this post, with my original popsicle stick bow craft, and then later I’ll be adding in a new bow craft I found.

David and Jonathan bow and arrow craft

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David and Jonathan craft supplies:

On my 1 and 2 Samuel pinterest board, I have a link to make a bow out of a popsicle stick.  I followed the directions pretty closely, with one major adaptation.

supplies for popsicle stick bow

sawtooth craft sticks, q-tips, dental floss

David and Jonathan craft instructions:

I described this in great detail on my Gospel Archery post, but here’s a quick summary:

  • Soak the popsicle sticks in water for several hours.
  • Cut off about 9-12 inches of dental floss, and tie it to one end of the sawtooth popsicle stick.
  • Carefully bend the stick, and then tie the floss to the other end of the stick and wait for it to dry.

The main thing I would add is to carefully and slowly bend the sticks.  It doesn’t take much to make a “good bow,” but it is very easy to splinter them even after soaking for hours.

David and Jonathan craft

Sigh, past Ticia, why did you save all of these pictures so small?

Then take your q-tips and cut off one end to make “arrows.” Then let your kids have fun playing with their new “bow and arrow” set.

David and Jonathan bow and arrow craft Bible Old Testament 1 and 2 Samuel


14 responses to “Bible: David and Jonathan craft”

  1. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    I wonder if it would be possible to make a tiny little sling…:)

  2. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Oh! David and Jonathan, not David and Goliath…but still a tiny little sling would be fun.

    1. That would be, I have ideas saved for full-sized ones…….

  3. MaryAnne K Avatar
    MaryAnne K

    Very cool craft! Bow making is always fun, and this is yet another great teaching visual!

  4. Shannon Avatar

    Fun! It's nice to see a craft for boys. I see so many for girls (which is great since my 3 girls love crafts), but it will be nice to store this one away for when my little boy is bigger. Or maybe not store it away because I bet my little girls would love this too!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know, there are so many for girls, thankfully my boys don't care if it's geared for boys or girls, just that they get to play with crafts.

  5. deanna1220 Avatar

    Oh my…I love this craft as much as I also love the friendship of David and Jonathan! The bow would totally be a hit with my son and I would love to hear your ideas for a sling.

    1. I've got some ideas wandering around in my head………

  6. Christy Avatar

    Collin would love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. This is my plan for next week as we are talking again about prehistoric people and their discoveries. I wish I could also do a stone tool, but we don't have any suitable stones here.

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